One of my favorite things to do while traveling is write. I set my phone to "airplane mode", and set a timer for 30 minutes. During this time, I choose a word loosely related to the environment just write whatever comes to mind. This carries my mind to absorb whatever hidden treasure has been missed due to multi-tasking.
This poem helped me shift perspective to appreciate my surroundings while vacationing with friends on the beach in Mexico. Can you guess what I chose to mindful absorb and write about? Try this new addition to you travel repertoire!
The Body Follows
Gliding over the glassy blue, green shading and highlights.
A smooth scan across the turquoise sheet.
The moist air feels like wool on the face,
The breezy omnipresent white noise.
Eyes darting left to right, left to right
Acute focus and meaning
Thousands of feet go by and none seem to know,
What it’s like up here.
A clean and back-lit blue mass that fills your senses.
Its clean and stunning, clear and serene
A purity.
And then necessity consumes one.
The craving the growl the thirst to fill one up.
An opportunity.
Bravery is obsolete and survival is instinct.
Sharp eyes create the lens and the nose tips,
The body follows, the light bones feel grace and ease.
Time stands still, the world has dissolved into one realm,
One vision, one vessel, one thought, one movement.
The blue backlit mass isn’t the same,
Its making the instincts loud and vibrant,
It’s creating survival and feeding the craving.
The shoulders relax and spread back,
Suddenly becoming another type of vehicle,
Another piece within.
All the pieces have to come together but some have simpler shapes.
Down spiraling down, the moist wet air feels dry
And all becomes streamlined.
Dipping into the south.
Thrilling, yet with modesty.
The front of the body crashes,
The self that brings the future,
The sun has left,
The air is gone,
The blue glass beauty dissolved,
Into self.
The mouth releases and hopes for the best.
The shiver tingle prickle rises up and goes in.
The throat feels density and hope.
And all of the pieces unite.
Down. and left.
Nothing’s here.
The sad realization sinks fills the empty throat.
Cool feet. cold chest. refreshed.
Up and again, the heavy water drops off the wings.
The open shoulders and smooth feathers praise the hot sun.
And the gazed eyes return sharp clarity.
For there is no loss,
There is no disappointment,
There is no sadness,
There is one realm of simple joy,
One vision, one vessel, one thought, one movement.
Gliding over the glassy blue.