Why Meditate?
One of the most important influences in transpersonal psychology comes from Abraham Maslow and his “hierarchy of needs”. Our most basic needs are linked with our physical survival. Followed by a need for safety and security. In order to fulfill higher needs, we need to fulfill the lower needs. The highest need is self-actualization, which Maslow compared to the mystic’s experiences discovering their inner truth, or a direct realization of reality. In order to realize our true selves and our deepest desires, one needs to learn how to listen to their inner voice and be willing to follow it. By sitting still, you are allowing these thoughts and realizations to come up. Now begin your meditation journey.
Let’s Play.
When your body feels weird or offset before a meditation, try something called BREATHING INTO THE BRAIN. Visualize the blood moving to and from the brain. You can also focus on the area between your eyebrows to see how it becomes softer and more open, and visualize breathing directly into this area. It will help you observe without analyzing. This is your time to just be. If you’re ever in a rough patch before a mental or physical exercise, give yourself some grace and be proud of what ever you are able to give. For you are amazing! Now begin your formal meditation.
Mind Over Matter.
Use meditation as a powerful tool to activate the parasympathetic nervous system to neutralize the “fight or flight” response in your body. Keep an objective awareness of sensations in your body to ultimately take more control of the symptoms. Try these audio recording from our on-site mindfulness coach to learn about proven strategies to lighten the load of daily blocks.
We Connect.
Gazing helps exercise nonverbal communication channels, by opening up an energy connection between your eyes and the eyes of your partner. Eye contact, particularly, when it is prolonged and intimate, can be very challenging. The intention can be as simple as wanting to gain more comfort within yourself or with another. Also, to connect more deeply with someone, understand their feelings, or clear tension. Setting the intention is quite simple, you say to yourself what you are looking to achieve and then allow that to be as you begin the process. Try some of these meditations for connection.
Rise to the Top.
People are increasingly seeing the value of meditation and mindfulness for performance enhancement. Something as simple as a short session to connect mind to body can help concentration, focus, and sense of control. Here we have some meditation strategies for your toolbox to keep yourself on the cutting edge of your best self.